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Ann Lewins
Ann Lewins



Ann has been using and teaching Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS) packages since 1994. She pioneered the development of institutional support for the use of this range of software applications, helping to create the CAQDAS Networking Project. She has worked with a wide variety of developers of software, methodologists and researchers in different academic and applied disciplines. She has trained widely across Europe. Ann is based in the UK.


Much of Ann’s teaching and research consultations have been to provide direct advice about the use of software in the context of specific research questions and requirements. A constant variation in the demands and objectives of each project has kept Ann grounded in the needs of researchers while she is always looking to optimize the tools available to help their work.  She adopts a real-world approach to using software and alongside her other work with individual projects has recently specialized in providing advice to large collaborative research projects where the logistics and realities of work at grassroots have to be properly considered and planned ahead of time.


With her long experience Ann takes a lateral approach to rationalizing tasks. She is sometimes the ‘fixer’ - the person who works out convoluted or incremental software based solutions to a particular analytical challenge.  This comes in handy at times! 


Ann is co-author of Using Software in Qualitative Research: A Step-by-Step Guide with Christina Silver. 

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